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From Social Distance to The New Sociability

RHI Presents What the Future Holds for Nightlife and the Social Economy

Virtual happy hours, streaming concerts and Zoom dates aresome of the ways people are connecting in digital spaces. As hard as it is to imagine, sometime soon, people will be allowed to re-enter social spaces.

Virtual connections will be replaced with in-real-life connections. Friends, coworkers, family and loved ones will reunite in cafes,restaurants, pubs, bars, nightclubs and music venues. These will be the spaces where stories will be shared and healing will take place with food, drink,music and dance.

Now is the time to prepare for social districts to re-opento ensure a smooth recovery for this vital industry. New standards are already being developed for venues. However, a coordinated approach has not yet been considered on a district-wide or city-wide level.



Jim Peters

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