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The Sociable City

Helping Cities Worldwide
Reimagine Sociability

Plan for a Strong Recovery and Long-Term Success

Is RHI THE Right fit for your city?

“Elected officials and city management, police, business, and community members all have a part to play in creating safe, vibrant and economically prosperous social spaces.” 

~ greg mullen, former chief of police ~ Charleston police department

"Thank you for your commitment. I couldn’t imagine entrusting this process with anyone else. You produced a solid report with extensive assessments, observations and recommendations from miles away. Quite the impressive feat."

Erin keller, vice president for development, Newtown macon, Macon, Georgia

"By re-engaging RHI, we hope to bring long-term solutions to the table that our entire community can embrace and tackle collectively. Our emphasis will be on creating a safe, dynamic and diverse nightlife."

Beth Weirick, CEO of Milwaukee Downtown Business Improvement District #21