International Public Safety and Policing Nightlife Districts
Safety in the Nighttime Economy

A Relationship Approach to Manage Nightlife Security
Building Hospitality Alliances

From Social Distance to The New Sociability
RHI Presents What the Future Holds for Nightlife and the Social Economy

Global Insights on the Evolution of the Social Economy
Thought Leaders Compare Perspectives on the Future of Life at Night

San Jose, CA City Showcase
How San Jose Reduced Police Budgets and Enhanced Vibrancy

Wellington, New Zealand City Showcase
Prevent Alcohol-related Harm through Licensing & Community-driven Campaigns

Calgary, AB, Canada City Showcase
Innovative Ways to make Nightlife Safer and More Vibrant

San Francisco, CA City Showcase
Model Policy that Balances Safety with Fun

Milwaukee, WI City Showcase
Enhanced Nighttime Economy through Partnerships and Licensing

Delray Beach, FL City Showcase
Innovative Ways to Make Nightlife Safer and More Vibrant

Lexington, KY City Showcase
Building Nightlife from the Ground Up

Victoria, BC, Canada City Showcase
Mayor's Late Night Task Force Initiatives

Philadelphia, PA City Showcase
Making the Business Case for Cultural Diversity and Nightlife

Great Music Cities
How to Support and Nurture a Music-Driven Economy

What do Women Want Downtown?
Design Downtown for Women, and Men Will Follow

Public Space Management
The Delicate Balance: Streets and Sidewalks as Social Destinations

Build a Music Economy
Alliances Form to Enhance Development and Reduce Risks

Public/Private Safety Partnerships
Reduce Nighttime Crime through Public/Private Alliances

Harm Reduction
How Communities and Nightlife Venues can Reduce Harm

Entertainment Districts with Open Containers
When Drinking Enters Public Space

Public Safety and Policing Nightlife Districts
The Nighttime Economy

Sexual Assault and Aggression in Nightlife
Strategies to Reduce Risk and Promote Safety

Policing Nightlife in College Communities
Building Trust and Productive Relations

Eco-Friendly Approaches to Address Quality of Life Concerns in Nighttime Districts
Reduce Sound and Save Money through Green Upgrades to Hospitality Venue

Nightlife Challenges in College Towns
Balancing College Social Life and Personal Accountability

The Sociable City
What's Sociability Got To Do With it?

Transportation for the Other 9 to 5
From Charleston to San Francisco - Innovation in Transport Management

Studentification of Downtown
Managing the Impact of Students and Universities on Towns and Cities

Urban Nightlife
Race, Culture and Public Space

Urban Mobility
Tnc's, Taxis, Pedestrians, Parking

Assessing Economic Impacts of Nightlife
How Does Nightlife Benefit Your Local Economy?

The Value and Costs of a Vibrant Social Economy
Building a Case for Conducting an Economic Study

City Alliances Reform Nightlife Policies
The Rise of Public-Private Partnerships to Help Manage Nightlife

Does Your City Need a Night Manager?
A Global Movement Brings Structure to the Nighttime Economy

Night Mayors
What it Takes to be Your City's Nightlife Champion