We'll Send in the Experts

RHI Services are designed to achieve buy-in with your city’s top decision makers. An action blueprint will guide your next steps.

Overview of RHI services

Hands-On Help in the Social Economy

RHI Services offer an in-depth analysis of your city’s strengths, challenges and opportunities in the social economy.

We’ll observe your nightlife firsthand through district tours. Focus groups and background research will guide our discovery process to create customized solutions for your city’s unique needs.

We’ll help you build bridges of trust and communication between key stakeholders. Our inclusive process mobilizes a team of people with credibility and access to resources. They’ll ensure that the diverse voices from your city are heard to create truly transformational change.

Harness the value of Your social economy

What You Have to Gain

  • Evaluation of trends, challenges and opportunities
  • Policy analysis for business licensing and operations
  • Action blueprint to guide next steps
  • Short and long-term action steps for systems of success
  • ‍Inclusive engagement of diverse stakeholders
  • Guidance on the nighttime governance system best fits your city
  • Collaborative partnerships among public, private and government leaders
  • ‍Access to RHI’s team of technical experts
"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others"
~  Jonathan Smith

The Aims

rhi brings skilled professionals

  • Preserve and advocate for the social, cultural and economic value of dining and entertainment
  • Provide suggestions for improving the allocation of resources and updates to legislation
  • Ensure public safety to reduce crime, harm and disorder while minimizing quality of life impacts
  • Maintain communication between government and businesses regarding policy and procedures

The Outcomes

achieve the following

  • Selection and training of dedicated staff to be leading advocates for a safe and vibrant nightlife
  •  Guidance on how to develop a citywide social economy governance system(e.g. night manager, social economy advisory board) to implement a consensus-driven action plan
  • Data collection tools to evaluate and monitor progress over time

Our Clients

Our clients include Business Improvement Districts, Main Street programs, non-profit organizations and city and county governments’ departments of planning, police and economic development

previous clients

Our Role in the Night Manager Movement

RHI advocates for cities to establish a structure within city government to oversee the safe, vibrant and sustainable future of nightlife. Our Sociable City Assessment consultation has resulted in the creation of seven dedicated “Night Manager” staff positions in the US and Canada

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