RHI's Leading Role in the Night Manager Movement

Training   |   Education   |   Networking

City leaders recognize the need for a nighttime governance plan. Offices of Nightlife and Night Mayors/Night Managers are the gold standard for cities with active nightlife. RHI has long been a pioneer in the Night Mayor movement and hosts North America’s leading professional Training Academyfor nighttime management.

RHI's expertise gives newly appointed Night Managers an action plan. For anyone new to the world of night management, the value of the Sociable City Academy Training is undeniable.

U.S. Night Mayors at RHI’s
2019 Sociable City Summit in Philadelphia

How Many Night Mayors are There?

In May 2024, more than 80 cities around the world had appointed a “night mayor” or similar position. In the North America, there are approximately 20 cities with some combination of nighttime governance in the form of: Night Mayor positions; Offices of Nightlife; Entertainment Commission and/or a Nightlife Advisory Board.

Where do Night Managers get Trained? RHI's Sociable City Academy!