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Eco-Friendly Approaches to Address Quality of Life Concerns in Nighttime Districts

Reduce Sound and Save Money through Green Upgrades to Hospitality Venue

Energy efficient appliances and infrastructure upgrades not only save money, but also reduce impacts on noise and trash management that affect residents’ quality of life. Learn how Washington, DC piloted a program for hospitality businesses to go "green" through shared trash compacting and more efficient refrigeration equipment, air conditioners, and ventilation systems. Better sound insulation has significantly reduced complaints from neighbors.

  • Reduce Sound Impacts: Learn how to prevent sound impacts for a new hospitality business before construction begins, and how to improve sound insulation in existing businesses.
  • Top Sources of Energy Drains and Sound Impacts: Learn how DC’s energy assessment has identified the appliances that use up the most energy and generate the greatest impacts on sound.
  • Streamline Trash Pick-Up: Find out how multiple restaurants can share use of a solar-compactor to reduce frequency of pick-ups and decrease traffic from trucks servicing multiple businesses at once.
  • Green Construction Standards: How to incorporate eco-friendly approaches in the planning and development stage to increase energy efficiency and reduce sound.
  • Cost Savings: Misperceptions that going green is costly and time-consuming will be dispelled with case study examples of how businesses have saved money through “green” upgrades.
  • Resources Available: Learn about the Green Restaurant Associations’ programs to help restaurants become more ecologically sustainable and federal grants available to assist businesses in purchasing new appliances.



Scott Pomeroy

Michael Oshman

Erik J. Ryerson

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